Laughs in the face of snags
We are talking serious abrasion resistance!
At last a leader or hook-length designed to handle monsters and laugh in the face of snags. Superb against dense weed beds, sunken trees, boulders, mussel coated gravel bars or any nightmare swim. Should you pursue the giants, Wels Catfish, Mahseer, Nile perch, monster Sturgeon or any species exceeding 100lbs in freshwater, then look no further.
As a shock or rubbing leader for carp fishing this product has no equal. It will stand up to the rigors of controlling and taming huge fish that live in snag-infested waters. Super tough Spectra filaments of the highest gauge possible have been densely interlocked giving you an incredibly robust line of enormous strength, but still with a reasonable diameter. Bullet and bombproof: Essential for Rainbow Lake and the Ebro ect.
10m spools
85lb (38.6kg) breaking strain
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