A rubber tapering on both sides that can be applied to a leadcore leader and can be used in combination with the beads as a helicopter as well as the chod rig mounting. Incidentally, only one of the two supplied beads is required for the Chod rig mounting. The close-fitting rubber can be placed at any height (length of the lead) on the leader. This innovative product gives you the opportunity to use leadcore in a very safe way and at the same time serve the carp a certainly not everyday bait presentation.
The two large beads that you can slide onto the Heli-Chod rubber slide (they have a large central hole) over each mounting knot and ensure that the fish can easily get rid of the leader after a possible line break, the lead and the broken piece of main line. So the fish only has to lose the hooklink itself. This unique product therefore guarantees the safety of the fish.
PB Products Heli-Chod Beads, article number 21030 (look at the bottom of this page)
These are the beads that come on the Heli-Chod Rubber & Beads. So you can purchase these as spare or replacement beads. Diameter inside 3mm.